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June 29, 2022


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Information analysts confirm that cybercrime will decrease in African countries in 2023

Cairo: Africas, News Desk

Information security specialists confirmed a decrease in the rate of cybercrime in many African countries last year, owing to the increased usage of electronic security systems.

According to the “Business Africa” magazine, during a roundtable session in Malaysia to discuss the cyber scene, experts emphasized the importance of monitoring the security phenomenon emerging from artificial intelligence that affects the size of modern threats, as well as threats targeting control systems in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, stressing the importance of taking a cyber-immunity approach to create solutions that reduce potential vulnerabilities.

Experts reported a 29% decrease in the number of total cyber threats in South Africa in 2023 compared to 2022. In Kenya, overall threats decreased by 8%, but ransomware attacks increased by 68%. According to experts, Nigeria witnessed a 10% decline in all threats, although banking malware attacks aimed at collecting online banking credentials and other sensitive information from devices grew by 8%.